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Feature Be fully equipped for lithotripsy and BPH
Feature From Rob's desk: A vision of opportunity

How much power do you need?

Treat stones and soft tissue with just 30 W.

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N is for nitinol

Choose from our 26 nitinol stone extractor configurations.

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Proctor profile:

Prof. Evangelos Liatsikos

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There’s a stent for that!

Start exploring our stent lineup.

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Editor’s note: In March 2019, Rob Faulkner was named global director for Cook Medical’s Urology specialty. He has been with Cook for 19+ years—previously serving in the Endoscopy specialty as a district sales manager, regional manager, North America sales manager,…

Whether you prefer the stiffness and control of stainless steel or the flexibility and resiliency of nitinol, Cook Medical has a comprehensive assortment of wire guides to fit your preferences and meet your procedural needs. Start exploring our wire guide…

Encountering an encrusted ureteral stent can be all too common when managing numerous urological conditions. Stent encrustation is a serious complication,1 and it presents a significant clinical challenge.2 Polymer stents are the industry standard but quickly become encrusted with stone material…

The Rhapsody® H-30® Holmium Laser System features a variable pulse width, which enables a physician to tailor their treatment on the fly. This ability to adjust settings and tailor treatment has led to discussions on stone lasing techniques as well as power…

What’s in a name? We were very intentional when we named our nitinol stone extractors, right down to each device’s unique spelling. The uppercase N in each name speaks to the innovative technology that is nitinol. Each device’s name also…

Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of posts profiling several of our Vista® Education and Training facilitators from around the world. For more information on our Vista courses, visit and choose your region. In 2010, Dr…

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of posts profiling several of our Vista® Education and Training facilitators from around the world. For more information on our Vista courses, visit and choose your region. Prof. Evangelos Liatsikos…

Cook Medical offers a collection of stent configurations, materials, and designs to accommodate your routine, everyday drainage procedures, and the procedures that require something a bit more specific. Cook's collection includes a soft silicone stent, a stent made from thermosensitive polymer,…

The sights and sounds of Copenhagen, Denmark, are calling, and we’re eager to gather with around 15,000 urology specialists at the 33rd annual European Association of Urology (EAU) Congress. It’s sure to be an inspiring and engaging experience. What: European…

This year, because World Kidney Day (WKD) and International Women’s Day both fall on Thursday, March 8, it can be a day for raising awareness of the challenges women around the world face in receiving affordable and equitable access to…

Bladder health is a topic that is rarely talked about. Since November is National Bladder Health Month, Cook Medical is raising awareness as a part of our continuing commitment to health and wellness. You can help, too. Join the conversation,…

A holmium:YAG (Ho:YAG) laser system transmits laser energy to the surgical site through a flexible fibreoptic delivery system called a laser fibre (or just fibre). While fibres may vary somewhat in the features they offer, the science behind the delivery…

Early endourology training courses in 1982—and the proctoring physicians who pioneered those foundational workshops—were pivotal in shaping the specialty. The impact of those seminal moments can still be felt today as endourology continues to evolve and advance. It was only…

According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, bladder cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the world.1 In 2012, nearly 10 out of every 100,000 people were diagnosed with bladder cancer in more developed regions of the world.1…

Dusting and busting (basketing) are two techniques for treating kidney stones with laser lithotripsy. Choosing which technique to use often depends on the situation—the composition of the stone, its size and location in the kidney, and a variety of other…

A urologist’s day can be very draining—in more ways than one when we’re talking about Foleys, catheters, and stents. Fortunately, you can rely on Cook Medical’s Universa® brand of drainage products to keep you going. "Universa allows us to meet the…

Urology has historically been a field dominated by male physicians.1 A 2015 report on physician compensation asked the question, ‘Which specialties have the most female physicians?’ Not surprisingly, urology was at the bottom of the list with only 8% (Ob-Gyn & women’s…

Over the last four decades, Cook Medical has blazed a trail in urology, collaborating with physicians to bring new ideas to life and enhance patient care. In the 1970s, we got our start working alongside urological pioneers like Dr Al…

The theme of this year’s World Kidney Day is “Kidney disease and obesity: Healthy lifestyles for healthy kidneys.” While it may not be surprising to read about the correlation between kidney disease and obesity, it can be quite sobering to…

Unfortunately, if you’ve seen one urethra, you haven’t seen them all. Diversity in your patients' anatomy demands a diverse selection of products for your urological procedures—starting with products for gaining and maintaining access. That’s where we come in. Used to…

The air is cold and crisp in our neck of the woods, and the first few flakes of snow have already made their appearance at our global headquarters in Bloomington, Indiana. In honor of the holiday season, we thought it…

To be on the cutting edge, you have to continuously sharpen your skills using the latest product innovations. Cook Medical’s Vista® Education and Training programme helps you stay at the top of your game—providing you with specialised training from physicians who are passionate…

Cook Medical mourns the death of a dear friend and colleague, Fred Roemer. Fred’s dedication and contributions to the development of endourology are acknowledged by many to have been instrumental to the field. Fred joined Cook's urological division (at the…

Have you ever focused in on an intact stone or rogue fragment during lithotripsy and had it migrate out of view? Retropulsion, however it occurs, can prolong your procedures.1 That’s where we come in. Cook Medical has several innovative products that specifically address…

There’s a certain excitement that comes with the development of a new product. It’s not just the realisation of something new, it’s the greater understanding that the something new may change the course of history. Over the years, I’ve seen…

March 10, 2016 – Today is World Kidney Day, and we’re joining with healthcare professionals around the globe to raise awareness for kidney disease. The kidney stone statistics are staggering. In many areas, the increasing incidence and prevalence of kidney…

This time of year is often a time of reflection, a time to look back and celebrate our accomplishments. But it’s also a time to look ahead, to plan, and to set expectations. We’re determined to do great things in…

Movember has come and gone. And for many of you, if you haven’t done so already, it may be time to say goodbye to your ‘stache. However thick or thin, we applaud you for your commitment. We want to thank…

It is becoming an annual tradition for Cook Medical employees to participate in Movember. So far this year, as in years past, we’ve seen strong support—most visibly by those men who are bold enough to grow out their moustaches. But…

The 109th Congrès de l’Association Française d’Urologie (AFU) will be held in Paris, France this week. It is to be a time for urologists from France and surrounding countries to interact with their peers, share ideas, and advance healthcare for the…

One of the statistics that stood out to us in our last post was that men have about a 1 in 7 chance of getting prostate cancer in their lifetime1. With a number like that staring men in the face, it can be…

We humans are fascinated with statistics. In all aspects of life—politics, sports, the economy, healthcare—the numbers we come across can tell us the good, and the bad, in any given situation. When it comes to cancer facts and figures, most…

Soon, many men will put their razors away for a month and grow out their moustaches as a way to raise awareness for prostate cancer and other men’s health issues. 'Movember' is kind of a big deal around Cook Medical. Men…

It’s not every day that a medical device is conceptualised, designed, and manufactured with the understanding that it may be placed infrequently in patients. But that’s exactly what happened with the Resonance® Metallic Ureteral Stent. At the outset of the Resonance stent’s…

Since attending the first World Congress of Endourology (WCE), held in London in 1983, Cook Medical hasn’t missed a meeting. And this year, we’ll keep the streak going as the WCE returns to the city where it all started. While times…

Physician collaboration has been the cornerstone of our product development for many years. Some of our favourite products, such as BIGopsy®, LithAssist™, and our nitinol stone extractor family, have been the result of close partnerships with physicians. Unfortunately, there are several factors that…

Cook Medical’s recently opened Learning Center in Monchengladbach, Germany, is another example of our global initiative to partner with healthcare professionals and provide product education opportunities. The renting, renovation, and customisation of a dedicated space for training has expanded the…

What if you could manage a stone case from start to finish by using only our products? In March, physicians in Poland performed three separate stone cases by using products from Cook Medical’s complete line. They used wire guides, stents,…
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