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Corporate Social Responsibility

Since 1963, Cook Medical has been providing minimally invasive medical devices to physicians around the world, to improve patient care. Our commitment to improving people’s lives extends beyond the patients we serve to the communities in which we operate. We do this not only because it is good business, but because we believe that being a good corporate citizen is the right thing to do.

Working with the community

All of our European locations actively support their local community through charitable donations, sponsorships, and community engagement activities. Our employees have been at the forefront of these initiatives, and we are proud of what they have achieved.

‘I would like to thank our employees who helped us to reach many of our CSR goals. Everything we’ve achieved is due to those who care about our environment, our communities, and the world we live in. It’s uplifting to see that we have so many employees who want to make a positive difference.’

Bill Doherty, Executive Vice President for Cook Medical Europe

Formalising our commitment

Beginning in 2019, we formalised our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by writing our first Statement of Intent, highlighting our commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices in Limerick.

CSR and sustainability are complex areas that touch every part of our business. To focus our efforts and ensure we have a meaningful impact, we have focused our strategy on three priority areas.

With a growing workforce and product portfolio, it has never been more important to recognise the impact we have on the world around us. We’re excited to be guiding Cook’s global CSR commitments in Europe. Our charitable and community activities may vary by our location, but together we are committed to enhancing the health and quality of life for the people we work with and serve, protecting the environment, and enabling social development where we operate.

Sustainable and environmental practices

Cook Medical is committed to responsible and sustainable business choices across our business:

  • Our facilities: We are committed to making greener choices across our facilities by reducing emissions and waste, preventing pollution, and promoting the sustainable use of our natural resources.
  • Our distribution channels: We seek the most efficient balance of technology, time, and transportation to get products to patients in a way that is mindful of our impact on the environment.
  • Our products and packaging: We are always looking for ways to reduce excess waste in product design and packaging, while still ensuring our products are effective and protected during shipping and storage.

Recognised for environmental sustainability

Cook Ireland has gone the extra mile to meet international standards for environmental practices. Since 2019, our Limerick location’s dedication to environmental sustainability at work has earned and retained ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certifications for the following standards:

  • ISO 14001—For meeting all requirements to minimize our operation’s negative environmental effects
  • ISO 50001—For meeting all requirements for energy efficiency

View Cook Ireland’s Environmental Commitment and Environmental Policy.

Cook Denmark is also continuously working to improve the environment. We are committed to making sustainable business choices and reducing our environmental impact as a viable reflection of the promise Cook gives to patients, customers, employees, and communities every day. In March 2020, that commitment was rewarded with the ISO certification that encompasses all our business activities in Denmark:

  • ISO 14001—For meeting all requirements to minimize our operation’s negative environmental effects